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example: adding related region endpoint

siibra-0.4a74 introduced get_related_regions instance method for Region objects. This guide demonstrates how a new endpoint is added to accomodate this new feature.

Import the new class

api.serialization.util.siibra Serves as the one and only entrypoint to siibra package. To access the new class RegionRelationAssessments, import it here.

# in api.serialization.util.siibra

- from siibra.core.region import Region
+ from siibra.core.region import Region, RegionRelationAssessments

Adding serialization model

Next, the model of serialized RegionRelationAssessments is defined.

# in api.models.core.region

+ from api.models.core.parcellation import SiibraParcellationModel
+ from enum import Enum

+ class Qualification(str, Enum):
+     EXACT = "EXACT"

+ class RegionRelationAsmtModel(ConfigBaseModel, type="regionRelationAssessment"):
+    qualification: Qualification
+    query_structure: ParcellationEntityVersionModel
+    assigned_structure: ParcellationEntityVersionModel
+    assigned_structure_parcellation: SiibraParcellationModel

Note that Qualificaiton Enum is mirrored from siibra.core.relation_quantification.Quantification. The duplication is necessary, since the models module cannot import siibra.

Adding serialization logic

Now, logic of how to serialize RegionalRelationshipAsessment instance to RegionRelationAsmtModel will be written

# api.serialization.core.region
from api.models.core.region (
+    RegionRelationAsmtModel,
from api.serialization.util import (
+    instance_to_model
- from api.serialization.util.siibra import Region, Space, parcellations
+ from api.serialization.util.siibra import Region, Space, parcellations, RegionRelationAssessments

# ... truncated for brevity

+def region_relation_ass_to_model(ass: +RegionRelationAssessments, detail=False, **kwargs):
+    qualification = ass.qualification
+    assigned_structure = ass.assigned_structure
+    assigned_structure_parcellation = assigned_structure_parcellation
+    return RegionRelationAsmtModel(
+        assigned_structure=instance_to_model(assigned_structure, detail=False, **kwargs),
+        assigned_structure_parcellation=instance_to_model(assigned_structure_parcellation, detail=False, **kwargs),
+        query_structure=instance_to_model(ass.query_structure, detail=False, **kwargs)
+    )

Adding query logic

Here, we define, given string primitives, how to retrieve siibra objects. In our case, given parcellation_id: str and region_id: str, how to get a list of RegionalRelationshipAsessments. (The serialization is also done at this step).

# api.common.data_handlers.core.region

+def get_related_regions(parcellation_id: str, region_id: str):
+    """Get related regions, including the relationship qualification.
+    Args:
+        parcellation_id: id of the parcellation, under which the regions will be fetched
+        region_id: lookup id of the region
+    Returns:
+        List of RegionalRelationshipAssessments, serialized"""
+    import siibra
+    from api.serialization.util import instance_to_model
+    region = siibra.get_region(parcellation_id, region_id)
+    return [instance_to_model(ass).dict() for ass in region.get_related_regions()]

Adding the route

Finally, add the route to FastAPI

# api.server.core.region
-from api.models.core.region import ParcellationEntityVersionModel
+from api.models.core.region import ParcellationEntityVersionModel, RegionRelationAsmtModel
-from api.common.data_handlers.core.region import all_regions, single_region
+from api.common.data_handlers.core.region import all_regions, single_region, get_related_regions

# ... truncated for brevity

+@router.get("/{region_id:lazy_path}/related", response_model=Page[RegionRelationAsmtModel])
+@router_decorator(ROLE, func=get_related_regions)
+def get_related_region(parcellation_id: str, region_id: str, func=lambda:[]):
+    """HTTP get_related_regions of the specified region"""
+    return paginate(
+        func(parcellation_id=parcellation_id, region_id=region_id)
+    )

Manual Test

To test that what we added works, we try to query something that we know will yield a positive result. According to siibra-python e2e test, parcellation id of 2.9 and region spec of PGa should yield results for both OTHER_VERSION and HOMOLOGOUS.

First, we start a local dev server with:

uvcorn api.server:api

Then we navigate browser to http://localhost:8000/v3_0/docs, finding the newly introduced endpoint listed in the swagger UI under /regions/{region_id}/related. We click Try it out, and enter 2.9 as parcellation_id and PGa as region_id, and click Execute, and we get the result below:

    "items": [
            "qualification": "OTHER_VERSION"
            // ... truncated for brevity
            "qualification": "HOMOLOGOUS"
            // ... truncated for brevity
        // ... truncated for brevity
    "total": 6,
    "page": 1,
    "size": 50,
    "pages": 1

Automated tests

To prevent regression, we add the tests to e2e test

# e2e_test/regions/

+import pytest
+from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
+from api.server import api
+client = TestClient(api)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("parc, reg_spec, has_related, +has_homology", [
+    ("2.9", "PGa", True, True),
+    ("monkey", "PG", False, True),
+    ("waxholm v3", "cornu ammonis 1", True, False),
+def test_related(parc, reg_spec, has_related, has_homology):
+    response = client.get(f"/v3_0/regions/{reg_spec}/+related", params={
+        "parcellation_id": parc
+    })
+    assert response.status_code == 200
+    resp_json = response.json()
+    items = resp_json.get("items", [])
+    other_versions = [item for item in items if item.get("qualification") == "OTHER_VERSION"]
+    homologous = [item for item in items if item.get("qualification") == "HOMOLOGOUS"]
+    assert (len(other_versions) > 0) == has_related
+    assert (len(homologous) > 0) == has_homology